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  • Writer's pictureKris Erickson

Decoding Real Estate Values: Big Ticket Items That Shape Home Prices, Negotiations, and Closing Dates

In the intricate dance of real estate transactions, certain significant factors—often referred to as "big ticket items"—play a pivotal role in shaping home prices, negotiations, and the timeline leading to a successful closing. In this blog post, we'll explore these influential elements that buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals should be keenly aware of.

1. Property Location and Neighborhood:

•   Impact on Price: Location is the cornerstone of real estate values. Proximity to amenities, schools, safety, and overall neighborhood desirability can significantly influence the price of a property.

•   Negotiations: In negotiations, a property's location can be a bargaining chip. Buyers may be willing to pay a premium for sought-after neighborhoods, while sellers in less desirable areas may need to be strategic in their pricing.

•   Closing Date: The attractiveness of a neighborhood can impact the speed at which a property sells. In-demand areas may see quicker closings due to higher demand.

NOTE: It is illegal for real estate professionals and finance institutions to redline, blockbust or steer people to specific neighborhoods based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, familial status, handicap, and national origin. We are obligated to follow equity opportunity housing laws. If you see or know of a realtor conducting such violations, please report them.

2. Property Size and Layout:

•   Impact on Price: The square footage, layout, and overall size of a property directly influence its price. Larger homes or those with unique layouts may command higher prices.

•   Negotiations: Buyers may leverage property size and layout in negotiations. Sellers, on the other hand, may highlight the functionality and spaciousness of their property to justify the asking price.

•   Closing Date: Larger properties or those with versatile layouts may attract a broader range of buyers, potentially leading to quicker closings.

3. Condition of the Property:

•   Impact on Price: The condition of a property is a key determinant of its value. Well-maintained homes with updated features often fetch higher prices in the market.

•   Negotiations: Buyers may use the property's condition as a negotiating point, especially if there are visible maintenance issues. Sellers can enhance their negotiating position by addressing and showcasing the property's positive features.

•   Closing Date: Properties in good condition may appeal to buyers seeking move-in-ready homes, potentially expediting the closing process.

4. Renovations and Upgrades:

•   Impact on Price: Renovations and upgrades can significantly add value to a property. Modern kitchens, updated bathrooms, and energy-efficient features can justify higher price tags.

•   Negotiations: Sellers may emphasize recent renovations to justify their asking price. Buyers, however, might use the need for upgrades as a point for negotiation.

•   Closing Date: Properties with recent renovations may attract buyers looking for turnkey solutions, potentially speeding up the closing timeline.

5. Market Conditions:

•   Impact on Price: Market conditions play a crucial role in determining property prices. In a seller's market, prices may be driven higher due to increased demand, while a buyer's market may see more negotiable prices.

•   Negotiations: Buyers and sellers must adjust their negotiation strategies based on prevailing market conditions. In a competitive market, buyers may need to act swiftly, while sellers may have more negotiating power.

•   Closing Date: Market conditions can influence the speed of a closing. In a seller's market, properties may sell quickly, leading to shorter closing timelines.

6. Comparable Sales (Comps):

•   Impact on Price: Comparable sales, or comps, provide a benchmark for property pricing. Properties with comparable features and recent sale prices in the vicinity influence a property's perceived value.

•   Negotiations: Buyers and sellers often refer to comps during negotiations to justify their positions. Understanding the local market and recent sales is crucial for effective negotiations.

•   Closing Date: Properties priced in line with local comps may attract buyers more efficiently, potentially expediting the closing process.


In the complex realm of real estate, big ticket items wield immense influence over home prices, negotiations, and the timeline leading to a successful closing. Buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals must navigate these factors strategically, leveraging strengths and addressing challenges to ensure a smooth and mutually beneficial transaction. As the real estate landscape evolves, an astute understanding of these influential elements becomes a cornerstone for success in the dynamic world of property transactions.

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